Facts on:

ERIC Voter Registrating Company

Alabama Secretary Of State Discovers Popular Leftist Voter-Roll Group's Address Is Bogus - 2/24/2023

ERIC Empty: Alabama Secretary Of State Wes Allen Visits ERIC Headquarters In Washington DC - But Nobody Was There, There Were No Servers, There Were No Computers, There Were No Employees - 2/25/2023

BIG NEWS: 3 More Secretaries Of State Approach Omega4 America Founder To Replace ERIC System - New Voter Roll Policing Can Catch Criminals As They Make Massive Changes To Voter Rolls - 3/6/2023

BOMBSHELL! Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election - 3/22/2023

Virginia To Exit Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll 'Maintenance' Group ERIC - 5/12/2023

A Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From ERIC Is Headed To Gov. Greg Abbott's Desk - 5/30/2023

NPR Publishes Hit Piece On Gateway Pundit Loaded WIth Personal Smears But Won't Refute Our Reporting - So Today We Are Releaseing New Video Evidence And Information On The ERIC System - 6/6/2023

Behind The Public Curtain: ERIC's 2 Hour 2011 Presentation To California Officials Disclosed - 6/7/2023

WARNING! ERIC Sacrifices Teens Personal Information At Altar Of So-Called "Election Reform" - 6/15/2023

It's Official: Texas Resigns From Democrat Operative-Founded ERIC Voter Registration System- 9 States Out - Only 23 Remain - 7/20/2023

Alabama's New 'Voter Integrity Database' Shows States Don't Need Leftist-Linked ERIC To Manage Voter Rolls - 9/19/2023

Colorado Tried To Throw Out An Election Watchdog's Lawsuit Seeking ERIC Data. A Judge Said No - 10/4/2023

Media Lie About This Leftist-Linked Voter Roll 'Maintenance' Group To Protect Democrats' Election Machine - 12/18/2023

If ERIC's Voter Roll 'Maintenance' Is So Popular, Why Do Democrats Feel A Need To Force States To Join? - 1/31/2024

Report: ERIC Deemed 168,000 Dead Or Relocated Virginians 'Eligible But Unregistered' To Vote - 3/20/2024