Facts on:
Abortion Laws & Court Cases
- Defunding Abortion & Pro-Life
- Funding Abortion & Pro-Abortion
- Roe v Wade & Other Court Cases
- See: Rioters & Protesters: 2022 SCOTUS Abortion Ruling
Democrats' National Abortion Bill Replaces Word 'Woman' With 'Person' - 5/10/2022
Ted Cruz Gives Elizabeth Warren A Math Lesson After Her Bizarre Abortion Claim Draws Criticism - 5/12/2022
Ben Carson: Killing Pregnant Woman Is Two Counts Of Murder But Abortion is OK. "That Doesn't Make Sense" - 5/20/2022
Judge's Abortion Pill Opinion Tells The Truth About 'Unborn Humans,' And The Left Can't Stand It - 4/10/2023
Federal Judge Says FDA Wrongfully Approved Abortion Pill - 4/7/2023
Senate Defeats Phony Equal Rights Amendment Promoting Abortions up To Birth - 4/27/2023