Facts on:
February 2017
The Swamp Drowns Trump With Healthcare but The Freedom Caucus Throws Him A Lifeline
Parents are Fighting the State of Georgia for the Right to Name their Child “Allah”
The Ohio Pastor Protection Act is a Necessary Step toward Protecting Religious Liberty
Conservative Leaders Cheer the Death of RyanCare
Horrendous Crime Causes some Liberals to Rethink their Support for Illegal Immigration
awyer for Illegal Immigrants who Raped 14-year old girl says She Wanted It
Should Conservatives be Worried about Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Views on Abortion?
Liberals Try and Fail to Smear Judge Neil Gorsuch
Liberal Hypocrites say Budget Cuts Prove Christians Don’t Act like Christians
Capitalism Inspired Johnny Appleseed, Not The Environment
A Holy History of St. Patrick and His Day
There is One Way to Avoid Another American Civil War
Freedom From Religion Foundation Uses Ron Reagan Jr To Mock His Father’s Memory
How the Dred Scott Decision Proves that the Supreme Court CANNOT be the Last Word in American Law
The Transgender Movement Is A Fairy Tale Destroying Our Children’s Lives
How March 4th Played a Vital Role in America’s Development
More People Live in Slavery Today than Ever in Human History, but We Can Fight Back