Facts on:


- ACORN ( Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)

- Census

- Election Fraud

- Electoral College

- ERIC Voter Registering Company  

- Funding & Donors

- Illegal & Illegals Voting

- National Popular Vote

- Ranked-Choice Voting

- Voter ID  

- Voter Rolls

- Voting Machines

- 2000 Election

- 2016 Elections

- 2020 Elections

     - Abnormalities

     - Ballot Trafficking

          - 2000 Mules

     - Dominion & Voting Machines

          - FoxNews Lawsuit

     - Decertification

     - Election Fraud

     - Election Questioning

     - Electoral Vote Objections

     - Foreign & Domestic Interference

     - Mail-In Ballots

     - Media & Big Tech

     - Paused & Late Night Counting

     - Supreme Court

     - States

          - Arizona

          - California

          - Colorado

          - Delaware

          - Florida

          - Georgia

               - Absentee Ballots

               - Ballot Harvesting & Trafficking

               - Changed Votes & Voting Machines

               - Death Of Harrison Deal

               - Fraudulent Votes

               - Missing & Destroyed Votes

          - Louisiana

          - Maryland

          - Michigan

               - GBI Strategies

               - Prosecution Of Electors

          - Missouri

          - Nevada  

          - New Hampshire  

          - New Mexico

          - New York  

          - North Carolina

          - Ohio

          - Pennsylvania

          - Texas

          - Virginia

          - Wisconsin  

               - Election Fraud

               - Mark Zuckerberg Drop Boxes

               - Ballot Trafficking  

     - Zuckerbucks 2020

- 2021 Elections  

- 2022 Elections

     - Alaska

     - Arizona  

          - Certification

          - Evidence & Lawsuits

          - Irregularities & Questionable Actions

          - Katie Hobbs

     - California  

     - Colorado

     - Delaware

     - Drop Boxes  

     - Florida

     - Georgia  

     - Illinois  

     - Kansas

     - Louisiana

     - Machine Questions

     - Mail-In Boxes

     - Michigan  

     - Montana

     - Nevada  

     - New Jersey

     - New York

     - Pennsylvania  

     - Red Wave Evidence  

     - Texas  

     - Virginia

     - Wisconsin

     - Zuckerbucks 2022  

- 2023 Elections

- 2024 Elections

     - Election Interference

          - Censorship

          - Trump Ballot Removal

               - Colorado Removal

               - Maine Removal

               - Supreme Court Colorado Case

     - Primaries

     - Ranked-Choice Voting

     - Replacing Biden

     - Zuckerbucks 2024

Internet Giant's Election Meddling Exposed By New Research - 3/22 2019

California And Los Angeles County To Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters From Voter Rolls - Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit - 1/3/2019

FLASHBACK: Obama Stole An Election, Not Trump - 1/28/2020

AOC Claims 'Very Real Risk' America Won't Be Democracy In 10 Years, Will 'Return To Jim Crow' - 2/14/2022

Elections Bill Passes Florida House, Heads To Governor's Desk - 3/10/2022

Now Pelosi Claims That She Can End Gerrymandering - Through HR1 Which WIll Also End Free And Fair Elections Forever - 3/14/2022

"It's A Neat Trick. You Rig An Election And Then If You Happen To Notice - You Make It Illegal For Them To Run For Office" - Liz Harrington On The Radical Left's Attacks On MTG - 4/26/2022

True The Vote Drops NEW Bombshell VIDEO Of Whistleblower: "You Have To Give Your Ballot Opened To Them So They Can See Who You Are Voting For, Or Who You Supposedly Have To Vote For" - 6/2/2022

Project Veritas: Leaked Call With Prison Inmate Reveals Democrat Senate Candidate Calling For "Secret Sleepers" to Infiltrate South Carolina Republican Party - 6/26/2022

Prominent Pollster Says Time For America To Mandate All Ballots Be Counted On Election Day - 11/10/2022

Do The Leftist Women Rallying Against This Legal Theory Realize It Gave Them The Right To Vote? - 11/15/2022

Supreme Court Hears Case That Could Empower State Legislatures, Not Judges, To Regulate Elections - 12/7/2022

Concerns Mount Over Media, Government Quashing Election Integrity Efforts Through Intimidation - 12/12/2022

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Senator Mark Warner's "Restrict Act" Is The Patriot Act For Elections That Give The Government Enormous Power - Forcing Counties To Enable "Albert Sensors" Or Mandate Other Sinister Election Activities - 4/19/2023

Justice Thomas Issues Critical 50-Page Dissent In Key Supreme Court Case - 6/11/2023

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Democrats And Activists Renew Push To Lower The Voting Age To 16 - 7/7/2023

History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics Of The Marxists Of 1917 In Russia To Steal America - 8/6/2023

Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There's Nothing Racist About Eletion Integrity Laws Like Florida's - 9/22/2023

Court: Democrats Have No Evidence Florida's Voter Registration Process Is Illegal - 11/1/2023

WATCH: Conservative Writer Mollie Hemingway Tells Congress What's Wrong With Our Elections (VIDEO) - 2/7/2024

San Francisco Appoints 1st Noncitizen To Election Commission - 2/18/2024

Democrat Gerrymandering In New York Threatens Republican Control Of Congress In 2024 - 2/28/2024

Brattleboro, Vermont, Lets 16- And 17-Year-Olds Vote In Elections - 2/29/2024

Here's The Truth About Georgia's Election Integrity Bill You Won't Hear From The ACLU - 3/28/2024