Facts on:
Ranked-Choiced Voting
Oregon Democrats Are One Step Closer To Rigging Elections With Ranked-Choice Voting - 7/6/2023
Ranked-Choice Voting Advocates Are Forced To Lie About 'Fairness' To Get Voters On Board - 11/20/2023
Ranked-Choice Voting Proponents Are Lying To Wisconsin Voters To Hide The System's Flaws - 12/12/2023
Democrats Are Forcing Ranked-Choice Voting On Alaskans Who Oppose It - 1/10/2024
Georgia Republicans Introduce Bill To Stop Ranked-Choice Voting From 'Disenfranchising' Voters - 1/17/2024
Democrat Bills To Expand Ranked-Choice Voting And Make IDs Less Secure Are Sitting On Youngkin's Desk - 3/22/2024
Liberal Dark Money Pushes Ranked-Choice Voting As Campaign Gains Momentum Across U.S. - 4/3/2024