On its 50th Anniversary in 2006, the Senate voted to reaffirm “In God We Trust” as the United States’ official motto.  The House of Representatives followed suit in 2011 in a 396-9 vote.  So far, courts continue to dismiss lawsuits for its removal on our money and as our motto as it does not establish a national religion.  In fact, all three major religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, contain verses in their scriptures supporting such a motto.  Furthermore, as atheists continue to attack, local and state governments across the country are passing new pieces of legislation requiring the national motto be added to and displayed in schools, on police cars, and in other governmental functions.


     Liberty, government buildings and monuments in Washington D.C. and throughout the country proclaim God through inscriptions inside and outside the buildings, including courthouses.  From the very beginning, it was clearly stated and declared that the New World desired freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.  (see The United Church And States Of America and Separation of Church and State)  Christianity and faith have been intimately integrated in this country from the beginning and our founders supported and promoted it.  However, as I have stated many times, Progressives have progressively discredited that history for over 100 years.  Ultimately, to deny our religious heritage is to destroy our foundation.  When that happens, the whole country collapses.  My fear is that is exactly what Satan is using Progressives to do.

     I understand the atheistic argument of having to use money proclaiming a God they don’t believe in.  Yet, is it right to demand the vast majority of the citizens abandon America’s heritage because of an extremely small minority?  Atheists have no problem forcing Christian bakers, photographers and florists to deny their religion and use their talent in a same-sex marriage.  (see We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service and What Is Love?)  Yet when asked to use money with God’s name on it, they suddenly insist on individual rights regarding religion, or the lack there of.  Atheists don’t have to believe in God, but it is our heritage.  However, it is irrational for them to demand everyone else change and conform to their new beliefs.  It is no different from someone moving into a community and insisting the entire neighborhood change their longstanding guidelines to appease the one new resident.

     Eisenhower made an eloquent point in a Flag Day speech in 1954.  Explaining his desire to include “under God” in the pledge of allegiance, he stated:

“In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource in peace and war.”

     That’s my 2 cents.



     Over the next several years, other coins received changes with the new motto, including gold and silver coins.  Finally, on February 12, 1873, Congress passed the Coinage Act, allowing the Secretary to “cause the motto IN GOD WE TRUST to be inscribed on such coins as shall admit of such motto,”  thus removing the necessity for new Acts for each additional change.

     While the five-cent coin removed the motto in 1883, replacing it again on the Jefferson nickel in 1938, “In God We Trust” has appeared on United States coinage since 1864.  In fact, after its disappearance on the eagle and double-eagle gold coins in 1907, public outcry demanded its return.  In response, Congress passed the Act of May 18, 1908, mandating its use on all coins which previously included it.


     Yet “In God We Trust” was not a new expression.  Francis Scott Key used a similar phrase in his forth verse of the Star-Spangled Banner.  

“O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!

Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!

Then conquer we must when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto - “In God is our Trust.”

And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”  (see Hold The Fort)

     When the Cold War began with the Soviet Union immediately following the end of World War II, again Americans wanted the world to know what they stood for.  Now, even more so, as the United States contended with the Communist superpower, which promoted state atheism.  Therefore, on July 11, 1955, ninety-four years after citizens first contacted Chase regarding the recognition of Almighty God on the country’s money, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law requiring all United States currency, paper and coinage, include the inscription “In God We Trust.”  A year later, Congress passed a Joint Resolution declaring “In God We Trust” as America’s official motto, which Eisenhower signed on July 30.  The following year, the motto began appearing on paper money.  

     However, even with an approved motto, the Act of January 18, 1837, mandated all such changes on U.S. coins must go through Congress.  Therefore, Congress passed the Act of April 22, 1864, allowing the Mint Director to move forward with developing design changes.  That same year, a new two-cent stamp was released with the motto “In God We Trust”.  

“I approve your mottoes, only suggesting that on that with the Washington obverse the motto should begin with the word OUR, so as to read OUR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY.  And on that with the shield, it should be changed so as to read:  IN GOD WE TRUST.”

     It took two years for Pollock to present designs to Chase for new 1¢, 2¢ and 3¢ coins.  Chase replied:

“Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense.  The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins.  

“You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tersest [brief] words possible this national recognition.”  

     In response, Chase wrote the Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, James Pollock, directing him to develop a motto:

“Dear Sire…One fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously overlooked.  I mean the recognition of the Almighty God in some form on our coins.

“You are probably a Christian.  What if our Republic were not shattered beyond reconstruction?  Would not the antiquaries of succeeding centuries rightly reason from our past that we were a heathen nation?  What I propose is that instead of the goddess of liberty we shall have next inside the 13 stars a ring inscribed with the words PERPETUAL UNION: within the ring the allseeing eye, crowned with a halo; beneath this eye the American flag, bearing in its field stars equal to the number of the States united; in the folds of the bars the words GOD, LIBERTY, LAW.

“This would make a beautiful coin, to which no possible citizen could object.  This would relieve us from the ignominy [humiliation] of heathenism.  This would place us openly under the Divine protection we have personally claimed.  From my hearth I have felt our national shame in disowning God as not the least of our present national disasters.”  

     In 1647, Massachusetts passed the Old Deluder Satan Act, requiring the Bible be taught in schools because “It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures.”  (see Eluding The Old Deluder)

     When the American Revolution was not looking well for the Patriots, General George Washington got on bended knee and prayed to Almighty God for Divine Providence.  (see God’s Divine Providence)  He carried that devotion throughout his presidency, as did President Abraham Lincoln, who confessed, “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.” (see Simple Solutions)

     Even in our Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson opened the proclamation by acknowledging the “Laws of Nature and of Nature's God”, recognizing man’s rights are “endowed by their Creator,” and ends by “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions” before confirming “support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”  (see Happy Independence Day)

     As the Civil War spread throughout the states, the bloody conflict turned many hearts back to God.  Therefore, a movement began to find a way to officially recognize and proclaim God.  Many decided to campaign to have the Almighty declared on coins, though critics, especially in the South, claimed Northerners were just trying to assert that God was on their side.  Regardless, many appeals were eventually sent to Washington D.C. for action.

     On November 13, 1861, seven months following the start of the Civil War, Rev. M.R. Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel from Ridleyville, Pennsylvania, penned the first letter to Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase.  He wrote:

"Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of Him (Proverbs 2, 3). Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein.” (see "Higher" Education)

     The first college developed in America, Harvard College, stated in its 1636 Student Guidebook:

"In the name of God, Amen…Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country…"  (see Thanks Be To God)

     Before departing from the Mayflower, the “Saints,” or pilgrims, and “Strangers” constructed and agreed on the Mayflower Compact (see America's First Founding Document) including:

“We, greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory of his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God...”  

(see Jamestown: A City Upon A Hill)

July 11, 2018

Dear Liberty,

     In 2003, 90% of Americans supported including “In God We Trust” on our money.  Whether hardcore churchgoers or just traditional believers, the majority of Americans consider themselves Christian.  Yet a portion of the 3.1% atheists in the United States want the overwhelming majority of Americans to capitulate to their beliefs, and have filed several lawsuits to achieve their goal.  This mindset not only defies a republic, of which we are, it also opposes a democracy, or mob rules.  In reality, it is nothing short of tyranny.  Regardless, their reasoning lacks facts and evidence.

     Atheists argue that having “In God We Trust” violates the founders' stance on separation of church and state.  However, the founders never demanded that one must abandon their religion in the government realm.  (see The United Church And States Of America)  The notion of separation between church and state is a deliberate misuse of the phrase written by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Danbury Baptist Church.  (see Separation of Church and State)  The founders only intended that the government could not force or organize a national or federal church, such as the Church of England, even though several states declared state churches for a time.  Furthermore, no church should control the government, as the pope did during the Holy Roman Empire.  

     I appreciate the argument of the atheist.  However, history shows that our founders never intended America to be Godless.  In fact, from the first arrivers, their purpose was to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The first Charter of Virginia, granted in 1606, began: